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Supporting National School Meals Programme in Kenya

Supporting National School Meals Programme in Kenya

Since 1980, WFP and the Ministry of Education have jointly implemented a school meals programme targeting the most food-insecure districts with the lowest enrolment and completion rates and high gender disparities - including all primary schools in the marginalized arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya and in the informal settlements of Nairobi.

In 2009, the Government of Kenya started a national home grown school feeding programme to provide a meal to children at school; to support education achievements while also stimulating local agricultural production through purchase of food from smallholder farmers and local food suppliers. Unlike other school feeding programmes, home grown school feeding models seek to deliver simultaneously on ‘local’ economic growth and social protection or poverty reduction objectives.

Today, WFP and the Government of Kenya are giving a hot lunch to 1.5 million children attending school across the country each day of the school term.