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Kyrgyz Republic Country Strategic Plan (2018–2022)

Operation ID: KG01

CSP approved at EB November 2017 session.

Revision 03 approved by the CD in May 2020.

Revision 04 approved by the CD in October 2020.

Revision 05 approved by the CD in June 2021

Revision 06 approved by the CD in June 2022

The Kyrgyz Republic has made progress in economic, social and human development in the past decade, but challenges remain in relation to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 2 – zero hunger. The challenges include high levels of chronic malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, poverty, limited access to food and employment, vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change, gender inequalities and limited opportunities for smallholders.

The priorities established at the April 2017 meeting of the National Council for Sustainable Development with a view to establishing the country’s “Vision 2040” included improving agriculture, providing development opportunities for smallholders and creating logistics and processing centres, with emphasis on enhanced links between economic access, food security and resilience to shocks in a systemic approach to the design of short-, medium- and long-term strategic objectives and results.

The 2017 national strategic review of food security and nutrition  identified gaps and opportunities with regard to Sustainable Development Goal 2, and a multi-sector workshop in March 2017 considered the priorities of government partners and agreed opportunities for WFP support.

The country strategic plan (2018–2022) is aligned with the Government’s priorities: it addresses gaps and challenges and will ensure the transfer of knowledge under four strategic outcomes:

  • Strategic outcome 1: All primary school-aged children in the Kyrgyz Republic have access to safe, adequate and nutritious food all year round (Strategic Result 1).
  • Strategic outcome 2: Vulnerable and food-insecure smallholders, particularly women, in vulnerable areas of the Kyrgyz Republic, have enhanced livelihoods and increased resilience to shocks to support food security and nutrition needs all year round (Strategic Result 3).
  • Strategic outcome 3: Food-insecure communities in areas vulnerable to climate change have improved food systems and are more resilient to shocks all year round (Strategic Result 4).
  • Strategic outcome 4: Government institutions at the central and decentralized levels have strengthened capacities for comprehensive food security and nutrition management by 2030 (Strategic Result 5).

The country strategic plan consolidates WFP’s role as a partner of the Government by complementing its food security and nutrition programmes and facilitating the generation and transfer of knowledge. The plan contributes to the new National Sustainable Development Strategy, the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (2018–2022) and Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17. It is aligned with WFP Strategic Results 1, 3, 4 and 5.