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Djibouti Transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan (January 2018 - June 2019)

Operation ID: DJ01

T-ICSP approved in September 2017.

WFP’s Transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan for Djibouti will cover the period January 2018 to June 2019. This plan will guide WFP interventions and strategy during the completion of the Zero Hunger Strategic Review and the formulation of the Country Strategic Plan. During the transition period, WFP will maintain its humanitarian assistance capacity while sharpening its focus on social protection, human capital development and resilience.

In partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, WFP will ensure that the food and nutrition security of refugees and asylum seekers, as well as all their basic needs, are adequately addressed.

WFP will continue to enhance the resilience of chronically vulnerable rural and urban populations, and will work towards reducing undernutrition while strengthening the systems and institutions responsible for achieving zero hunger in Djibouti.

The Government of Djibouti is WFP’s primary partner. Complementary partnerships are at the heart of WFP’s vision and strategy in Djibouti to optimize WFP’s added value and impact. WFP will work closely with the Rome-based agencies to forward the resilience agenda. Partnerships with the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and others will also be key to improve nutrition, strengthen safety net interventions in urban areas, and increasing self-reliance in refugee populations.

The transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan is aligned with the Djibouti “Vision 2035” (2015-2019), which integrates the Sustainable Development Goals. The interim plan is also aligned with the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (2018-2022)[1] and contributes to Strategic Results 1, 2, 8 in WFP’s Strategic Plan (2017-2021). WFP programmes are guided by the WFP Gender Policy and the Regional Gender Implementation Strategy to ensure gender equality and to increase meaningful participation of affected populations.

This transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan supports the Government in achieving the following strategic outcomes:

i) Refugees and asylum seekers living in camps in the Republic of Djibouti have access to adequate and nutritious food all year long;

ii) Djiboutian vulnerable population including children 6-59 months, pregnant and lactating women and girls and Antiretroviral Therapy and Tuberculosis/Directly Observed Treatment clients’ nutritional status have an improved nutritional status all year long;

iii) Food insecure Djiboutian rural and urban populations in targeted regions and neighborhoods have improved access to food by 2019;

iv) School-aged children in rural Djibouti have access to nutritious meals throughout the school year;

v) The humanitarian community in the Horn of Africa receives, on request, expertise, services and infrastructure in the area of supply chain throughout the year.