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Cote d'Ivoire Transitional ICSP (January - December 2018)

Operation ID: CI01

T-ICSP approved in August 2017.

Côte d’Ivoire is a lower middle income country recovering from a decade of conflict and a post-electoral crisis in 2010/11 that caused major displacements into neighbouring countries. Subsequent political, economic and security improvements have enabled the return of refugees and internally displaced people to their areas of origin and a shift of interventions from relief to recovery and development.

Poverty affects 46.5 percent of the population, particularly in northern and northeastern areas. Food insecurity is greatest in northern and western rural areas, particularly among households headed by women. Poverty, food insecurity, inadequate nutrition practices and poor living conditions in the north contribute to the chronic malnutrition rate of 40 percent observed in northern regions. Recurrent climate shocks, variable rainfall and limited productive capacity exacerbate vulnerability and drive the need for recovery and social-protection services.

This Transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan (T-ICSP) will support the Government of Cote d’Ivoire in achieving the following strategic outcomes:

  • Food insecure children in targeted areas have access to adequate safe and nutritious food all year-round.
  • Children and Pregnant and Lactating Women and Girls (PLW/G) in vulnerable communities have improved nutritional status in line with national targets by 2020.
  • Food-insecure smallholders and communities in targeted areas have increased resilience to shocks and improved livelihoods to better support food security and nutrition needs all year-round.
  • National institutions have strengthened capacities to develop and manage food security, nutrition and social protection policies and programmes in line with the national targets by 2020.

These outcomes help address the Government’s desire to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2), as expressed in strategic result 3 of the Plan National de Développement (PND).

The forthcoming Zero Hunger Strategic Review (ZHSR) will consolidate relevant food security and nutrition elements of existing national policies, plans and strategies into a comprehensive national framework for achieving SGD 2. WFP will support the design and implementation of this framework.