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Regional optimization of supply corridors for the humanitarian response to the Central African Republic crisis

Operation ID: 200934

This operation has been modified as per budget revision 3.

Special Operation 200934 will allow WFP and the humanitarian community to optimize the use and capacity of the logistics corridors for the transportation of humanitarian cargo into Central African Republic (C.A.R.) through enhanced regional coordination as well as increase of storage, in-transit and transport capacity in strategic locations.

The Special Operation has three components: establishment of three additional supply routes, respectively from Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C.)/Republic of Congo (R.o.C.), and potentially Chad, to C.A.R.; augmentation of logistics capacity, warehouse facilities and transport fleet in key positions along the newly established supply routes; regional coordination system to optimize the use of the humanitarian corridors.

Together, these components will augment WFP and aid agencies capacity to respond to the humanitarian crisis that is ongoing in C.A.R. since the outbreak of hostilities in
December 2013. Overall, the Special Operation will grant WFP the way to address, through enhanced coordination, some of the logistics gaps and bottlenecks on the main access route from the Port of Douala in Cameroon to the capital Bangui that originate from the highly unstable and conflictual security in C.A.R., which is currently hampering the efficiency and timeliness of cargo deliveries.