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Country Programme - Guinea (2013–2019)

Operation ID: 200326

This operation has been modified as per budget revision 6

Guinea has a population of 11 million inhabitants and is a least-developed, low-income and food-deficit country. About 55 percent of the population lives below the poverty line of US$1.2 per person per day. Despite recent progress towards democracy, the country still faces major challenges because political actors are strongly divided.

The new country programme (2013–2017) covers 13 districts in six of the eight regions affected by structural food insecurity, high chronic malnutrition rates and low school enrolment rates. The programme is in line with the objectives of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework and with the Government’s development policy. It is aligned with Millennium Development Goals 1 to 7 and with WFP’s Strategic Objectives 2, 4 and 5.

The expected outcomes of the programme are: i) sustained increase in the number of children attending primary schools, particularly girls; ii) improved nutritional status of children aged 6–59 months and pregnant and lactating women; iii) improved nutritional status of people living with HIV and tuberculosis patients receiving treatment; iv) increased food availability and dietary diversity in the targeted areas; v) increased resilience of vulnerable communities to disasters.