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Syrian Arab Republic Transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan (Jan - Dec 2018)

Operation ID: SY01

T-ICSP approved  by the ED in November 2017. Revision 02 approved by the CD in September 2018.

The Syrian Arab Republic has middle-income country status, but has been in the midst of a country-wide crisis since 2011, which has substantially impacted the gains previously made. 

Due to the prolonged crisis, the human toll has been substantial. An estimated nine million people need food assistance, of which 52 percent are female and 43 percent are children.  There is not widespread malnutrition in the country, but the health service infrastructure has suffered thus setting the scene for future challenges. Almost two million children are currently not attending school.

This transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan supports the priorities of the Government of Syria and is in line with the priorities and objectives of the humanitarian community. WFP seeks to gradually transition into livelihood focused activities, for both men and women, while maintaining food assistance to the most vulnerable. The transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan will continue to implement complementary education and nutrition activities.

The transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan is based on the existing Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation project effective as of 1 January 2017 and will have a duration of 12 months. The transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan takes into account recent assessments and the Government’s strategic priorities. 

The plan seeks to achieve the following four strategic outcomes:

  • Food insecure populations affected by the crisis, including host communities, internally displaced persons and returnees, in all governorates, have access to life-saving food to meet their basic food needs all year long. This includes programmes for school meals and out-of- school children.
  • Food insecure families in urban and rural areas affected by the crisis are enabled to meet heir basic food and nutrition needs and increase their self-reliance, throughout the year.
  • Vulnerable groups, especially children, pregnant and lactating women and girls, across Syria have reduced levels of malnutrition, achieved through high quality, nutrient dense diets, throughout the year.
  • Humanitarian partners across Syria benefit from augmented logistics and emergency telecommunications capacity, enabling them to provide their technical assistance, throughout the crisis.

The transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan will contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Strategic Framework, directly and indirectly to Sustainable Development Goals 2, 3, 4, 5 and 17. It is aligned with WFP’s Strategic Plan (2017-2021), and Gender Policy (2015-2020).