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Kenya country strategic plan (2018 - 2023)

Operation ID: KE01

CSP approved at EB June 2018 Session.

Revision 03 approved by the CD in May 2020

Revision 04 approved by the ED WFP & DG FAO in September 2020.

Revision 05 approved by the CD in April 2021.

Revision 06 approved by the CD in October 2021.

Revision 07 approved by the ED-DGFAO in April 2023.

Kenya’s economy has developed rapidly during the past decade, and the country achieved lower-middle-income status in 2014. Social and economic inequalities persist, with significant challenges to food and nutrition security driven by rapid population growth, climate change, stagnating agricultural production, gender inequalities and underperforming food systems. Opportunities to address these challenges and make transformational progress towards the achievement of zero hunger include increased government investments and capacities in agricultural and social sectors, the devolution of service delivery to counties, new technologies in agribusiness and a strong, inclusive and equitable policy base.

In December 2017, the President of Kenya set out the "Big Four" priorities for the current term of government to 2023: increasing manufacturing, achieving universal healthcare, expanding affordable housing and achieving 100 percent food and nutrition security. This country strategic plan contributes to that priority. It is based on the national zero hunger strategic review and is also aligned with the Government of Kenya’s Vision 2030 and Third Medium-Term Plan and with the United Nations development assistance framework. It contributes to Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17 and to WFP Strategic Results 1, 4, 5 and 8 through four strategic outcomes:

  • Refugees and asylum seekers living in camps and settlements and populations affected by natural and human-caused disasters have access to food adequate to meet their food and nutrition needs throughout the year.
  • Targeted smallholder producers and food-insecure and vulnerable populations benefit from sustainable, inclusive food systems and increased resilience to climate shocks, enabling them to meet their food and nutrition needs by 2023.
  • National and county institutions in Kenya have strengthened capacity and systems for assisting food-insecure and nutritionally vulnerable populations by 2023.
  • Government, humanitarian and development partners in Kenya have access to and benefit from effective and cost-efficient logistics services, including air transport, common coordination platforms and improved commodity supply chains.

The overarching aim of WFP’s strategy in Kenya is to accelerate its shift from the direct provision of transfers and services to the strengthening of national systems and capacities to deliver food and nutrition security. In particular WFP will:

  • seek greater efficiency in refugee interventions, including support for the integration and self-reliance of refugees and host communities;
  • build national capacities and systems for social protection, emergency preparedness and response and government-led food assistance programmes and nutrition services;
  • provide direct relief assistance only where requirements exceed Kenya’s national capacities; and
  • increase resilience by focusing on food systems through the development and modelling of integrated solutions along the food production, transformation and consumption chain that can be scaled up by the Government and the private sector.

WFP will work in close partnership with national and county governments, other United Nations agencies, regional and international financial institutions, civil society and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and the private sector.