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Guinea Transitional ICSP (January 2018 - June 2019)

Operation ID: GN01

T-ICSP approved in August 2017.

Revision 01 approved by CD in May 2019.

The Republic of Guinea is a low income and food deficit country in West Africa with a population of twelve million. It is a member of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) and The Mano River Organization. After a long period of military regime and persistent social unrest, the country recovered its democracy in 2010 upon general elections that installed consensual institutions. Despite recent democratic progress and huge natural potential, Guinea remains one of the poorest countries in the world. The country was ranked 183rd out of 188 in the 2016 United Nations Development Plan’s Human Development Report.

Structurally, the economy heavily relies on the performance of the mining sector, which represents 14.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and provides almost 90 percent of export earnings. Agriculture accounts for 25 percent of GDP, while industry and services account for 41 and 34 percent, respectively.

The Government of Guinea has adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration and made progress in some areas. Given persistent challenges to achieving Millennium Development Goal 1 to eliminate poverty and hunger by 2015, this commitment has been reaffirmed with the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.

The policy environment in the country is conducive to promoting food security and nutrition. Also, institutional frameworks such as the National Agricultural Policy, Food and Nutrition Policy, National Health Policy, School Feeding Policy have fed into Guinea’s overarching five-year National Plan for Social and Economic Development (PNDES) that outlines the country’s vision until 2020.

The five-year plan is clearly articulated in four pillars: (1) improved governance for sustainable development; (ii) sustainable and inclusive economic growth; (iii) inclusive human capital development; and (iv) sustainable natural capital management.

Based on the situational and response analyses, this WFP transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan (T-ICSP) seeks synergies with Government and partnerships with other stakeholders to consolidate the country programme’s achievements through the following outcomes:

  • Vulnerable populations including school-aged children in Guinea have adequate access to safe and nutritious food all year-round.
  • The most vulnerable populations in Guinea, namely pregnant and lactating women, children under 5, and malnourished HIV/TB clients have improved nutritional status by 2020.
  • Smallholders in targeted areas, namely women and young people, have enhanced livelihoods to better support food security and nutrition needs throughout the year.

These outcomes, which aim to ensure the continuity of the country programme, are fully aligned with the government priorities embedded in the five-year development plan and in the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF).

The cost for all T-ICSP activities amounts to USD 15,141,683 for a duration of 18 months effective from January 2018.

WFP will build on existing partnerships and synergies with the Ministries of Education, Health, Agriculture and Social Affairs, United Nations Children’s Fund, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Population Funds, International Fund for Agricultural Development and non-Governmental Organizations to carry out the T-ICSP activities. Starting July 2019, a five-year Country Strategic Plan (CSP) informed by a zero hunger strategic review will begin.