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Logistics & Telecommunications Augmentation and Coordination to Support Humanitarian Operations in Syria

Operation ID: 200788

This operation has been modified as per budget revision 2 (see below).

WFP, in its role as the lead agency of the Logistics and Emergency Telecommunications Clusters, aims to launch this Special Operation (SO) to augment logistics and emergency telecommunications in support of the ongoing WFP Emergency Operation in Syria as well as to provide the humanitarian community with adequate logistics and ICT capabilities and enhanced coordination mechanisms to deliver relief items to affected populations in Syria.

With the current conflict in its fourth year, and with an ever changing political and security landscape, it is foreseen that existing humanitarian challenges are set to continue. The Logistics Cluster will thus not only need to continue its existing support to the humanitarian community in Syria, but in line with a ‘whole of Syria approach’ provide support to regional partners responding to the Syria emergency through a holistic support strategy.

In addition, the Logistics Cluster is moving towards a cost recovery modality in which some common services will be offered on a cost-recovery basis, whilst keeping critical services such as inter-agency convoys, warehouse storage, and a limited number of airlifts free-touser.

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) will focus on implementing secure telecommunications services to facilitate the work of the humanitarian community. This includes augmenting VHF radio infrastructure, further investment in radio training sessions, and continuing to build the capacity of radio rooms in Syria.


This BR 2 caters for an extension in time of one year from 01 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 and adjusts the budget plan in accordance with the increased Logistics Operational needs identified in the 2017 Syria Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and as indicated by the humanitarian community.